What is Table of Contents browsing?
Some documents are portions of larger documents that contain Tables of Contents. Table of Contents browsing is the act of opening a table of contents, navigating to different sections of the larger document, and (optionally) viewing those sections.
Accessing Tables of Contents
When Tables of Contents are available, you can access them from these locations:
- Publications list. Use the Browse Publications option to navigate to the publications list containing a document you want to view, then select the Table of Contents link below the document name. For more information, see What is the Browse Publications option?
- Results list. Create a search, navigate to the results page containing the document you want to view, then select the View Table of Contents link below the document name. For more information, see What is a results list? and Results List page.
- Open document. Create a search, navigate to the results page containing the document you want to view, open the document, then select the Table of Contents fly-out from the left margin of the document. For more information, see What is a full document page? and Full Document page.
Navigating and Using Tables of Contents
The following table identifies interface elements that will assist you in navigating and using tables of contents.
Searching Tables of Contents
You can use the Search the Table of Contents search box in the left margin to search the table of contents. This enables you to narrow the table of contents to only the table of contents headings and/or document sections that contain specific terms. For more information, see How do I find specific headings and document sections within a table of contents?