How do I find specific headings and document sections within a table of contents?

When you are viewing a table of contents, you can use the Search the Table of Contents search box to narrow the table of contents to only the headings and/or document sections that contain specific terms.

To search a table of contents, follow these steps.

  1. In the Search the Table of Contents search box, enter the terms you want to locate.
  2. From the drop-down list below the search box, select one of the following options:
    • Table of contents (heading only). Select this to narrow the table of contents to only the headings that contain the entered search terms.
    • Documents in the table of contents. Select this to narrow the table of contents to only the document sections that contain the entered search terms.
    • Table of contents (heading & documents). Select this to narrow the table of contents to only the headings and document sections that contain the entered search terms.
  3. If you want to narrow the table of contents to one or more specific headings before performing the search, navigate to those headings, and select the Add to search icon (Add to search) to the right of the heading name. Instead of searching the entire table of contents, the search is limited to only the selected headings.
  4. To generate the search results, select the Search icon (Search) to the right of the search box.
  5. After your results appear, select Clear Search at the top of the page to return to the table of contents you were viewing before searching.

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