Find documents that: Select the arrow to choose the condition you want from among the following options:
Include all these words Select this to find documents that include all of the words you enter, regardless of their proximity to each another. In the box below, enter
all the words a document must contain in order to appear in your results list and select Add to Search . The words are added
to the search, and each word is separated by an "and" connector. If search terms already exist in the search box, the added terms are
preceded by an "and" connector, meaning that documents will appear in the results list only if they satisy the existing search terms and
include the words you added here.
Include this exact word or phrase Select this to find documents that include the exact word or phrase you enter in the box below. In the box below, enter the word or phrase
a document must contain in order to appear in your results list and select Add to Search . The word or phrase is added to
the search bounded by quotation marks. If search terms already exist in the search box, the added terms are preceded by an "and"
connector, meaning that documents will appear in the results list only if they satisy the existing search terms and include the exact word or
phrase you added here.
Include one or more of these words Select this to find documents that include any (i.e., one or more) of the words you enter in the box below. In the box below, enter any word
or words a document must contain in order to appear in your results list and select Add to Search . The word or words are
added to the search, bounded by parentheses and separed by the "or" connector. If search terms already exist in the search box, the
added terms are preceded by an "and" connector, meaning that documents will appear in the results list only if they satisy the existing
search terms and include any of the words you added here.
Exclude these words Select this to find documents that do not include any of the words you enter in the box below. In the box below, enter the word or words a
document must not contain in order to appear in your results list and select Add to Search . The word or words are added
to the search, separated by the "and not" connector. If search terms already exist in the search box, the added terms are preceded
by an "and not" connector, meaning that documents will appear in the results list only if they satisy the existing search terms and do
not include any of the words you added here.
Include these words near each other Select this to find documents that include a word or words that are within a given number of words from another word or words. In the box to
the left of the within "n" words drop-down list, enter a word or words a document must contain. In the box to the right, enter
another word or words the document must contain. From the within "n" words drop-down, select the number of words that indicates
the proximity the first word or words must have to the second word or words in order for the document to appear in your results list. Select
Add to Search . The first word or set of words and the second word or set of words are added to the search, separated by the
"near/n" connector, where "n" is the number of words of proximity you specified. If search terms already exist in the search box,
the added terms are preceded by an "and" connector, meaning that documents will appear in the results list only if they satisy the existing
search terms and they contain the first word or set of words and the second word or set of words you within the proximity you specified.
Note: When choosing a value from the within "n" words drop-down list, you may find it helpful to think about
proximity this way:
This value Means the specified words 1 word Appear next to each other. 2 words, 3 words, 4 words, 5 words Appear in approximately the same phrase. 10 words, 15 words Appear in approximately the same sentence. 25 words, 50 words Appear in approximately the same paragraph.