What are Folders?
The Folders option enables you to create folders in which you can store searches, individual documents, and selected document text. Unlike the History option which automatically deletes content after 90 days, the folders you create and any items you store in them remain in Lexis Advance Pacific indefinitely.
Adding and viewing folder notes
At any time after creating a folder, you can add one or more notes to it. A portion of the most recently added note appears below the folder name in the My Folders list. After you open the folder, the note appears at the top of the folder list, followed by the View all notes link. You can select the link to view all folder notes in their entirety and/or to add, edit, or delete notes. For more information, see the Add Notes / View all notes section of the Folder List page help article.
Managing folders and their contents
You can manage your folders and their contents by doing any of the following:
- Renaming the folder
- Moving or copying the folder to another folder
- Downloading the folder
- Sharing the folder with others
- Updating the CaseBase signals associated with the items contained in the folder
- Searching the folder to find items containing a specific word or phrase
- Printing, emailing, or downloading folder items or sending folder items to Dropbox
- Moving or copying items to a different folder
- Sharing items with other users
Deleting and restoring folders and their contents
You can also delete the folders you have created and/or the items they contain at any time. When you inititally delete a folder or folder item, Lexis Advance Pacific moves the folder or item to the Recycle Bin. It remains in the Recycle Bin for up to 30 days. During that time, you can restore it to its original location or permanently delete it. After it remains in the Recycle Bin for 30 days, Lexis Advance Pacific automatically deletes it permanently. For information on deleting folders and folder items, restoring them, and/or permanently deleting them, see How do I use the Recycle Bin?