What is LawNow Plus™ Legislation Citator?

LawNow Plus™ Legislation Citator reports are generated for current Acts and Subordinate Legislation (and their provisions) covered in LawNow™. If a current Act is repealed (after July 2016), the Legislation Citator report for that repealed item will remain accessible on Lexis Advance.

LawNow Plus Legislation Citator reports are not generated for amending legislation.

Case coverage is aligned with CaseBase.

  • For more information about CaseBase scope, see CaseBase Scope/Coverage.
  • A case reference is included in a Legislation Citator report if there is a reference to that legislative item in the ‘Legislation considered by this case’ section of a CaseBase case entry.
  • For information on the meaning of CaseBase signals, see CaseBase Signals & Annotations.

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