All About...
Using the Research Map
What is the Research Map?
Research Map page
How do I view my research history in a graphical format?
What is the compare search results option?
How do I compare the results of different searches?
What is the find similar documents option?
How do I find documents similar to specific documents I have selected?
Related Topics
Searching with Lexis Advance Pacific
Using the Lexis Advance® search box
How do I create effective searches?
How do I assign a Matter ID to my research?
Understanding terms & connectors searches
Using * and ! to find variations at the end of root words
Using ? to find variations within words
How do I search specific segments?
How do I limit my search to specific jurisdictions or content types?
How do I limit my search to specific legal topics?
How do I limit my search to specific publications?
What is the Browse CaseBase option?
How do I use the Browse CaseBase option?
Searching with LexisNexis® Practical Guidance
What is LexisNexis® Practical Guidance?
What is a LexisNexis® Practical Guidance search?
Using the Practice Center
How do I search using the Lexis Advance® Pacific advanced search form?
What is a Lexis Advance® Pacific practice center?
How do I find my practice center?
How do I make a practice center my start page?
How do I use a Lexis Advance® Pacific practice center?
How do I search using a Lexis Advance® Pacific practice center?
All About...