Recent & Favourites list
After you select one or more search filters, apply them to a search, and generate a set of results, Lexis Advance Pacific automatically adds the filters to the Recent & Favourites list, where you can select them for use in later searches. A filter remains on the list until you remove it or until the list contains 50 filters. After the list contains 50 filters, each additional filter added to it replaces the oldest filter. You can prevent any filter from being automatically removed, however, by marking it as a favourite.
You can open the Recent & Favourites list and take any of the following actions:
- Add a filter to the current search. For more information, see How do I limit my search to specific jurisdictions or content types?, How do I limit my search to specific legal topics?, and How do I limit my search to specific publications?
- Mark or remove a filter as a favourite. For more information, see How do I mark or remove a filter as a favourite?
- Remove a filter from the list. For more information, see How do I remove a filter from the Recent & Favourites list?