Publication | Abbreviation |
Salkeld's King's Bench Reports [ER 91] | Salk |
Saskatchewan Court of Appeal | SasCA |
Saskatchewan Reports (Canada) | Sask R |
Savile's Common Pleas Reports [123 ER] (1580-94) | Sav |
Sayer's King's Bench Reports [ER 96] | Say |
Schoales and Lefroy's Irish Chancery Reports | Sch & Lef |
Scots Law Times Notes of Recent Decisions | SLT (Notes) |
Scots Law Times, Sheriff Court Reports (1893-) | SLT (Sh Ct) |
Scots Law Times | SLT |
Scottish Civil Law Reports | SCLR |
Scottish Court of Session [Medium Neutral Citation] | ScotCS |
Scottish Criminal Case Reports | SCCR |
Scottish High Court of Justiciary [Medium Neutral Citation] | ScotHC |
Scottish Jurist | Sc Jur |
Scottish Law Reporter (1865-1924) | Sc LR |
Scottish Sheriff Court [Medium Neutral Citation] | ScotSC |
Scott's New Reports, Common Pleas (1840-1845) | Scott NR |
Scott's Reports, Common Pleas (1834-1840) | Scott |
Securities and Exchange Commission Decisions and Reports (US) (1934-) | SEC |
Select Cases in Chancery tempore King [ER 25] | Cas temp King |
Sergeant & Rawle's Pennsylvania Reports 1814-28 | Serg & Rawl |
Session Cases (House of Lords) (Scotland) | SC (HL) |
Session Cases (Justiciary) (Scotland) | SC (J) |
Session Cases, Decisions of the Court of Sessions (Scotland) | SC |
Sex Discrimination Board (State) | SDBd( ) |
Shower's King's Bench Reports [ER 89] | Show |
Shower's Parliamentary Cases [ER 1] | Show Parl Cas |
Siderfin's King's Bench Reports [ER 82] | Sid |
Simon and Stuart's Vice Chancellor Reports [ER 57] | Sim & St |
Simon's Tax Cases | STC |
Simon's Vice Chancellor's Reports [ER 57-60] | Sim |
Simon's Vice Chancellor's Reports, New Series [ER 61] | Sim NS |
Simon's Weekly Tax Intelligence Reports | SWTI |
Singapore Court of Appeal [Medium Neutral Citation] | SGCA |
Singapore High Court [Medium Neutral Citation] | SGHC |
Singapore Law Reports (Reissue) [1965-2009] | SLR(R) |
Singapore Law Reports | SLR |
Sir T Raymond's King's Bench Reports [ER 83] | T Raym |
Sir William Jones' King's Bench Reports [ER 82] | W Jo |
Skinner's King's Bench Reports [ER 90] | Skin |
Smale and Giffard's Chancery Reports [ER 65] | Sm & G |
Small Claims Court of Nova Scotia [Medium Neutral Citation] | NSSM |
Small Claims Tribunal | SmCTrib |
Social Security Appeal Authority (NZ) | SSAA |
Social Security Appeals Tribunal | SSAT |
Social Security Reporter | SSR |
Solicitors Complaints Tribunal | SCT |
Solicitors' Journal (UK) | Sol Jo |
Solicitor's Journal Lawbrief | SJLB |
Solicitors' Journal Supplement (UK) | Sol Jo (Supp) |
South Africa Court of Appeal | SAfrCA |
South African Law Reports, Orange Free State Provincial Division (1910-1946) | OPD |
South African Law Reports | SA |
South African Reports, Transvaal Provincial Division (1910-1946) | TPD |
South African Reports | SAR |
South African Supreme Court Appellate Division Reports (1910-46) | AD |
South African Tax Cases (1921-) | SATC |
South Australian Court of Criminal Appeal | SACCA |
South Australian Environment Resources and Development Court [Medium Neutral Citation] | SAERDC |
South Australian Industrial Relations Commission [Medium Neutral Citation] | SAIRComm |
South Australian Industrial Relations Court [Medium Neutral Citation] | SAIRC |
South Australian Industrial Reports (Part 1) | SAIR (Pt1) |
South Australian Industrial Reports (Part 2) | SAIR (Pt2) |
South Australian Industrial Reports | SAIR |
South Australian Law Reports | SALR |
South Australian Licensing Court [Medium Neutral Citation] | SALC |
South Australian Licensing Court Reports (1967-1978) | SALCR |
South Australian Planning Reports | SAPR |
South Australian State Reports | SASR |
South Australian Workers Compensation Appeal Tribunal [Medium Neutral Citation] | SAWCAT |
South Eastern Reporter (Second Series) (US) | SE 2d |
South Eastern Reporter (US) | SE |
South Western Reporter (Second Series) (US) | SW 2d |
South Western Reporter (Third Series) (US) | SW 3d |
South Western Reporter (US) | SW |
Southern Reporter (Second Series) (US) | So 2d |
Southern Reporter (US) | So |
Specialist Medical Review Council | SMRCl |
Spink's Ecclesiastical and Admiralty Reports (1853-1855) [ER 164] | Ecc & Ad |
Starkie's Nisi Prius Reports [ER 171] | Stark |
State Administrative Tribunal (WA) [Medium Neutral Citation] | WASAT |
State Reports (NSW) at Equity | SR (NSW) Eq |
State Reports (NSW) at Law | SR (NSW) L |
State Reports (NSW) Bankruptcy and Probate | SR (NSW) B & P |
State Reports (NSW) Divorce and Matrimonial | SR (NSW) D & M |
State Reports (NSW) | SR (NSW) |
State Reports (QLD) | St R Qd |
State Reports (WA) | SR (WA) |
Strange's King's Bench Reports [ER 93] | Stra |
Style's King's Bench Reports [ER 82] | Sty |
Sumner's United States Circuit Court Reports (US) (1829-1839) | Sumn |
Superannuation Complaints Tribunal of Australia [Medium Neutral Citation] | SCTA |
Superannuation Complaints Tribunal | SCTrib |
Superior Court of Quebec | QCCS |
Superior Court Warren County | SC(Warren) |
Supplement to Vesey Junior's Chancery Reports [ER 34] | Ves |
Supplement to Vesey Senior's Chancery Reports [ER 28] | Ves Sen |
Supreme Court Cases (India) | SCC |
Supreme Court of Alabama | SCAla |
Supreme Court of Alaska | SCAlaska |
Supreme Court of Alberta (Canada) | SCAlta |
Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa | ZASCA |
Supreme Court of Arizona | SCAriz |
Supreme Court of Arkansas | SCArk |
Supreme Court of Belize | SCBel |
Supreme Court of British Columbia | SCBC |
Supreme Court of California | SCCal |
Supreme Court of Canada | SCCan |
Supreme Court of Colorado | SCColo |
Supreme Court of Connecticut | SCConn |
Supreme Court of Delaware | SCDel |
Supreme Court of Fiji | SCFiji |
Supreme Court of Florida | SCFla |
Supreme Court of Georgia | SCGa |
Supreme Court of Hawaii | SCHaw |
Supreme Court of Hong Kong | SCHK |
Supreme Court of Idaho | SCIdaho |
Supreme Court of Illinois | SCIll |
Supreme Court of India [Medium Neutral Citation] | INSC |
Supreme Court of Indiana | SCInd |
Supreme Court of Iowa | SCIowa |
Supreme Court of Ireland Decisions | IESC |
Supreme Court of Ireland | SCIre |
Supreme Court of Israel | SCIsr |
Supreme Court of Japan | SCJap |
Supreme Court of Kansas | SCKan |
Supreme Court of Kentucky | SCKy |
Supreme Court of Louisiana | SCLa |
Supreme Court of Maine | SCMe |
Supreme Court of Maryland | SCMd |
Supreme Court of Massachusetts | SCMass |
Supreme Court of Michigan | SCMich |
Supreme Court of Minnesota | SCMinn |
Supreme Court of Mississippi | SCMiss |
Supreme Court of Missouri | SCMo |
Supreme Court of Montana | SCMont |
Supreme Court of Nebraska | SCNeb |
Supreme Court of Nevada | SCNev |
Supreme Court of New Hampshire | SCNH |
Supreme Court of New Jersey | SCNJ |
Supreme Court of New Mexico | SCNM |
Supreme Court of New South Wales [Medium Neutral Citation] | NSWSC |
Supreme Court of New York | SCNY |
Supreme Court of New Zealand | SCNZ |
Supreme Court of North Carolina | SCNC |
Supreme Court of North Dakota | SCND |
Supreme Court of Nova Scotia | SCNS |
Supreme Court of Ohio | SCOhio |
Supreme Court of Oklahoma | SCOkla |
Supreme Court of Ontario | SCOnt |
Supreme Court of Oregon | SCOr |
Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea | SCPNG |
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania | SCPa |
Supreme Court of Rhode Island | SCRI |
Supreme Court of Samoa [Medium Neutral Citation] | WSSC |
Supreme Court of Samoa | SCSam |
Supreme Court of South Africa | SCSAfr |
Supreme Court of South Australia [Medium Neutral Citation] | SASC |
Supreme Court of South Australia, Full Court [Medium Neutral Citation] | SASCFC |
Supreme Court of South Carolina | SCSC |
Supreme Court of South Dakota | SCSD |
Supreme Court of Tasmania [Medium Neutral Citation] | TASSC |
Supreme Court of Tasmania | SCTas |
Supreme Court of Tennessee | SCTenn |
Supreme Court of Texas | SCTex |
Supreme Court of the Christmas Islands | SCChrIs |
Supreme Court of the District of Columbia | SCDC |
Supreme Court of the Northern Territory [Medium Neutral Citation] | NTSC |
Supreme Court of The Philippines | SCPhil |
Supreme Court of the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands | SCC(K)I |
Supreme Court of the United Kingdom | SCUK |
Supreme Court of the United States of America | SCUS |
Supreme Court of Utah | SCUtah |
Supreme Court of Vanuatu [Medium Neutral Citation] | VUSC |
Supreme Court of Vermont | SCVt |
Supreme Court of Victoria [Medium Neutral Citation] | VSC |
Supreme Court of Victoria Court of Appeal [Medium Neutral Citation] | VSCA |
Supreme Court of Victoria | SCVic |
Supreme Court of Virginia | SCVa |
Supreme Court of Washington | SCWash |
Supreme Court of West Virginia | SCWVa |
Supreme Court of Wisconsin | SCWis |
Supreme Court of Wyoming | SCWyo |
Supreme Court Reporter (US) | S Ct |
Supreme Court Reports (Canada) (1876-) | RCS |
Supreme Court Reports (Canada) | SCR |
Supreme Court Reports (New Series) (NSW) | SCR (NS) (NSW) |
Supreme Court Reports (NSW) Appendix | SCR (NSW) App |
Supreme Court Reports (NSW) at Equity | SCR (NSW) Eq |
Supreme Court Reports (NSW) at Law | SCR (NSW) L |
Supreme Court Reports (NSW) Divorce | SCR (NSW) D |
Supreme Court Reports (NSW) | SCR (NSW) |
Supreme Court Reports (QLD) | SCR(Qld) |
Sutherland's Weekly Reports (India) (1864-1876) | Suth WR |
Swabey and Tristram's Ecclesiastical Reports [ER 164] | Sw & Tr |
Swabey's Admiralty Reports [ER 166] | Sw |
Swanston's Chancery Reports [ER 36] | Swan |
Sydney Law Review | SydLR |