How do I use the Browse Topics option?

  1. Select the Browse button at the top of the page and select Topics in the left margin of the box that appears.
  2. Take one of these actions:
    If you want to...Then do this...
    Browse to the topic you wantSelect a topic from the list of topics that appears to the right. Repeat this process until you find the topic you want. A list of possible actions appears. Go to the next step.
    Search for the topic you wantEnter the name of a topic in the search box and select Search. A list of results appears. Select a topic from the list of topics. Repeat this process, if necessary, until you find the topic you want. Select the Actions button to the right of the topic name. A list of possible actions appears. Go to the next step.
  3. From the list of possible actions, select one of the following options:
    • Get documents. Select this to retieve a list of all documents contained in the topic. For more information on results lists, see What is a results list?
    • Add topic as a search filter. Select this to add the topic as a search filter. For more information on limiting searches to specific topics, see How do I limit my search to specific legal topics?
    • Create a topic alert. Select this to create a topic alert. For more information on alerts, see What is an alert?

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