How do I use the Browse CaseBase option?

You can use the Browse CaseBase option to find specific CaseBase documents by browsing through a list of courts or by browsing through a hierarchically arranged list of catchwords.

Browsing by Court

  1. Select the Browse button at the top of the page and select CaseBase in the left margin of the box that appears.
  2. Select Australia - by Court or New Zealand - by Court from the list of options that appears to the right.
  3. Take one of these actions:
    If you want to...Then do this...
    Select the court you want from a list of all courts grouped by jurisdiction
    1. Select All Courts. A list of all courts grouped by jurisdiction appears.
    2. Select the court you want to browse. The list of CaseBase documents for the selected court appears.
    Browse to the court you want from the navigation hierarchy
    1. Select the jurisdiction containing the court you want to browse.
    2. Repeat this process, if necessary, until you select the specific court you want to browse. The list of CaseBase documents for the selected court appears.
  4. Use the set of filters in the left margin of the Results list to narrow the list of results in order to find the document or documents you are seeking.

    For more information, see Results List page and How do I narrow or filter my results after a search?

Browsing by Catchwords

  1. Select the Browse button at the top of the page and select CaseBase in the left margin of the box that appears.
  2. Select Australia - by Catchwords or New Zealand - by Catchwords from the list of options that appears to the right.
  3. Take one of these actions:
    If you want to...Then do this...
    Select the catchwords you want from a list of all catchwords
    1. Select All Catchwords. A high-level list of catchwords appears.
    2. Select the high-level catchword you want to browse.
    3. Repeat this process until a list of catchwords appears which is accompanied by checkboxes.
    Browse to the high-level catchword you want from the navigation hierarchy
    1. Select the high-level catchword you want to browse.
    2. Repeat this process, if necessary, until a list of catchwords appears which is accompanied by checkboxes.
  4. Select the checkboxes of each of the catchwords for which you want to view CaseBase documents and select the View Selected button. The list of CaseBase documents for the selected catchwords appears.
    Note: In this list, an Open icon (Open List) to the left of the catchword indicates the catchword contains subordinate catchwords. Select the Open icon to open the list of subordinate catchwords. Select the Close List icon (Close List) to close the list. If you select the checkbox of an catchword that has subordinate catchwords, each of the subordinate catchwords is selected automatically.
  5. Use the set of filters in the left margin of the Results list to narrow the list of results in order to find the document or documents you are seeking.

    For more information, see Results List page and How do I narrow or filter my results after a search?

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