How do I search using the Lexis Advance® Pacific advanced search form?

With the Lexis Advance® Pacific advanced search form, you can use the search box and select filters as usual, or you can create a search by completing some or all of the sections of the form. You can also narrow your search to a specific content type, or to specific segments (or both).

The right side of the page has a number of tips for searching and links to more information.

To begin your research, select Client at the top of the page to associate your research with a specific client or matter. Then search using one of the methods below.

To search by completing fields on the form:

  1. Click Select a specific content type to narrow your search to that content type, or leave the form as it is to search all content types.
  2. Enter your search terms in one of the fields (All of these terms, Any of these terms, This exact phrase, or Exclude these terms) and select Add. The search terms will be displayed in the search box at the top of the form.
  3. Select a date from the Date drop-down list if you want to limit your search to a specific date or date range.
  4. Enter terms in any of the segment fields to search for them in a specific segment. For example, enter reversed in the Outcome segment field to find cases with an outcome of "Reversed".
    Note: Each content type will have different segments that you can select from to narrow your search further if you wish.
  5. Select the search button ( Search ).

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