How do I convert financial information into a different currency?

By default, the financial information in Prospect Portfolio reports is displayed in the currency that it was originally reported in. You can convert this data into another currency to make your analysis easier.

  1. Perform a search that leads to a Prospect Portfolio Snapshot report, Financial Information report or another report that contains financial data. (Most often, these reports are accessed from the Learn More about a Company form.)
  2. From within the report, click the Currency link next to the information that you want to convert.
  3. Select a new currency from the list. This list also displays the date that the exchange rate was taken from.
    Note: The system will continue to display financial information in the currency you select until you sign out. When you sign in again, the system will resume using the currency that the data was reported in.
  4. To restore the currency that the data was originally reported in, click the Currency link again, then click Restore Original Currency.

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