What do I do with the URL I create?

You can use the URL you've created to add a report to your site in a number of different ways. Below are some common examples:

Note: The API feature may not appear, depending on your subscription. For more information, contact your LexisNexis account representative.

Add the Report as a Web Part in SharePoint

Follow the steps below to add a report to any Microsoft Office SharePoint site for which you are an administrator.

  1. On the SharePoint site, click Site Actions > Edit Page.
  2. Click Add a Web Part.
  3. Select Page Viewer Web Part, then click Add.
  4. Within the new Page Viewer Web Part, click Edit > Modify Shared Web Part.
  5. Paste the URL for your report in the Link box.
  6. Specify the Web Part attributes (such as title, height, and width) using the Appearance options.
    Tip: You may want to enter a descriptive name for the report to override the default "Page Viewer Web Part" title. For example, "Recent IBM news" or "Top Companies in Computer Programming Services".
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Exit Edit Mode.

The new Web Part appears on your SharePoint site, containing the report you created. The image below shows an example:

A report in Microsoft Office SharePoint

Embed the Report in a frame

You can use the URL for your report as the source for an HTML frame, which allows you to create layouts that combine multiple reports on a single page. For example, the code below divides a page into two vertical frames, both of which contain a report:

<frameset cols="*,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
  <frame src="http://www.lexisnexis.com/dossier/api/
  D148E3605BA92EE098B0145AE6070441A1122916311B1C295871E&clientid=marc" name="
  <frame src="http://www.lexisnexis.com
  e=Computer+programming+services&entityId=17371&clientid=marc" name="mai

The image below shows the resulting page:

Frame example

Embed the Report in an iframe

HTML iframes create defined areas of content that can be placed inline with other page elements and arranged in a number of ways.

iframe Example 1

The code below creates an iframe containing a report and aligns it to the right side of the page:

<iframe align="right" width="300" height="400" src="http://www.lexisnexis.com/dossier/

The image below shows how the resulting page would appear (the paragraphs represent content on your site, while the box to the right contains the Prospect Portfolio report hosted by LexisNexis):

iframe example 1

iframe Example 2

The code below creates 4 iframes containing reports and arranges them on 2 rows:

<iframe align="right" width="49%" height="285" src="http://www.lexisnexis.com/dossier/
<iframe width="49%" height="285" src="http://www.lexisnexis.com/dossier/
<iframe align="right" width="49%" height="285" src="http://www.lexisnexis.com/dossier/
<iframe width="49%" height="285" src="http://www.lexisnexis.com/dossier/

The image below shows the resulting page:

iframe example 2

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