View a Results List

Once you complete your search, you can view the results page, which has several features and tools available to help you better use the information presented to you:

Click one of the links above to view information about that task.


A search produces a results list. After you run a search that produces multiple results, Nexis Uni® displays a results page with two panes. The left pane lists the content types you searched and contains filters that allow you to narrow your results.

In snapshot view, you can select a specific content type from the Jump to drop-down list to go directly to the snapshot view for that type. Otherwise, to view all results for a given content type, select the name of the content type in the left pane or, in snapshot view, select the View all link below the list of results for that type. By default, no more than 25 results are listed per page. You can use the Settings option to increase that limit to 50 or to reduce it to 10.

Use the icons at the top right of the results list to display your results in one of these views:

  • Full view () - lists all available information for each document, including document overviews, excerpts, and so on.
  • Title view () - lists minimal information for each document by hiding the document overviews, excerpts, and similar information.

Some results may appear with a icon. This means the associated document exists outside the Nexis Uni domain, and clicking the document title will open the document in a new browser window or tab. You will see this icon frequently with News > Webnews results.

Tip: You can use the Settings option to specify which view you want to appear by default. For more information, see Choose how much detail to include for each result on the General tab. You can also use the Settings option to specify what information should appear in full view. For more information, see Content Type Display.


Narrowing Your Results

After you display the results for a specific content type, the Narrow By heading appears in the left pane, followed by any jurisdiction, legal topic, or source filters you applied to the search. Below that, a list of headings appears, and you can select them in order to filter your results further. For example, you can enter additional terms in the Search Within Results search box to narrow the currently displayed results to only documents containing those terms. Note that the headings that appear can vary, depending on the content type you are viewing.

As you select additional filters, they are immediately applied to the currently displayed results and are listed below the Narrow By heading, the same as any filters you may have selected when creating the search. You can clear any filter by selecting the delete filter icon () to the right of the filter name, or you can clear all filters by selecting Clear. You can also select the Favorite icon () to save the filters as favorites for use in future searches. For more information on narrowing results lists, see Narrow or Filter Search Results


Creating Alerts

You can select the alerts () icon at the top of the results list to save your current search as a search alert. A search alert is a search you schedule Nexis Uni to repeat automatically at periodic intervals. You can use search alerts to check for new results over time.


Delivering Results (Print, Email, Download, etc.)

You can select the delivery options button to print, email, or download results. You can also send results to Dropbox or Google Drive. For more information, see What is Delivery?.


Saving Results to Nexis Uni Folders

In addition to downloading results, you can also save them to Nexis Uni folders. For more information, see What Are Folders?.



By default, results are listed in order of relevance. You can select options in the Sort by drop-down list to sort the list in different ways.


Including or Excluding Legal Phrase Equivalents

In the Settings option, if you specified that your searches should include legal phrase equivalents, you can remove them from your results by selecting Exclude legal phrase equivalents from the Actions list at the top of the results list. Or, if you specified your searches should NOT include legal phrase equivalents, you can include them by selecting Include legal phrase equivalents.


Natural Language and Terms & Connectors Searches

When you run a search, Nexis Uni automatically determines whether to run a natural language or terms & connectors search. If the current search is run as a natural language search, then after the results appear, you can select Run as terms & connectors from the Actions drop-down list to run it as a terms & connectors search. Likewise, if the search is run as a terms & connectors search, you can select Run as natural language to run it as a natural language search. For more information on these different types of searches, see Creating Natural Language or Terms & Connectors Searches.

Note: When you run a natural language search, either standard (only the top) results or expanded (all) results appear in the results list, according to the specification that is selected in the Settings option. If standard results are specified, then you can select Expanded results from the Actions list at the top of the results list to view expanded (all) results. Or, if expanded results are specified, you can select Fewer results to view only the standard (top) results.
