Perform a Power Search

The Nexis® Power Search form offers advanced search options that help you create powerful search queries. A successful search starts with identifying keywords and search terms you want to use and the sources where you will most likely find your answers. Eventually, you might want to include more precise commands, date ranges, and connectors. (If you want to perform a more basic, general search, see Perform a Basic Search .)

Watch the following video for a quick demonstration of how to perform a power search, and then follow the instructions below:

To use the Power Search form:

  1. At the Nexis home page, click Search > Power Search.
  2. Provide information for any of the options on the form. The following table includes descriptions of the options available to you.
Search Terms & the Boolean Guide In the search box, enter your topic of interest. When you press the space bar after your first search term, the Boolean Guide will appear, allowing you to select Boolean connectors to define the relationship between your terms.

Search using an exact phrase

To search for an exact word or phrase, add quotation marks around the word or phrase.

In searching for multiple terms without using quotes, Nexis will assume an AND connector between terms. Nexis finds all terms in the search string; however, not necessarily together as a phrase.

Below the search box are filters to help refine the search including, index terms, date restrictions, and source options.

Index Terms (Topics, Tags)

To search for a specific index term, enter topic or industry term in the box and choose from the list of suggestions that appears. (For example, type social media. Choose User Generated Content.

Or, click one of the Browse links (Subject, Industry, Company, People, or Geography) to focus on a specific type of Index term. On the form that appears, enter your search term, click Search, and then choose the index term from the list of results.)

Select Relevancy: Major Terms Only to find articles that are primarily about the index term chosen.

Date Restrictions

The Date drop-down menus allow you to choose a variety of date ranges to narrow your search.


Below the Date filter are two tabs, Filters and Sources. Select the Sources tab. Your recently used and favorite sources are listed below the Sources search box.

Sources search

Within the Sources search box, type English Language News. Choose English Language News excluding Blogs.

Executing your search

Click the Search button next to the search box to complete your search.

Once your search is complete, you can view and work with your results. See About Search Results Lists.