How do I use the Search bar?

The search bar is the key to finding the information you need quickly. You can search across all subscribed tax areas or within a specific module. By default, entering a term in the search box runs the search against all subscribed tax areas. Use the All Tax Areas drop-down to filter your search options.

Choose from one of the following options:

If you want to...Then...
Search across all subscribed contentSee Search across all subscribed tax areas
Search within a specific moduleSee Search across a specific tax area
Note: On the Tolley®Guidance homepage, the search bar is in the middle of the page. Once you are in a sub-topic, the search bar is located at the top of the page.

Search across all subscribed tax areas

  1. Click inside the Search box. The light-grey "Search all subscribed tax areas" phrase disappears.
  2. Enter a search term or phrase, such as "income tax", in the search box.
  3. Click on the All Tax Areas drop-down.
  4. Select the All Tax Areas option.
  5. Click on the Search button or press the Enter key to perform the search. The search results are displayed, if any, organised by the type of content found (guidance, news, examples, etc.).

Search across a specific tax area

  1. Click inside the Search box. The light-grey "Search all subscribed tax areas" phrase disappears.
  2. Enter a search term or phrase, such as "income tax", in the search box.
  3. Click on the All Tax Areas drop-down.
  4. Select the module option, notice that the current module is already displayed.
  5. Click on the Search button or press the Enter key to perform the search. The search results are displayed, if any, organised by the type of content found (guidance, news, examples, etc.).

Auto-complete/search suggestions feature

The search bar also contains an auto-complete/search suggestions feature. As you type, the service evaluates the characters you are entering and predicts the whole words you may be typing. The service finds and lists the most relevant documents containing those words. You can then click on any of the listed documents to display it.

Note: For information on working with your search results, refer to Reviewing Search Results.

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