How do I browse to a section of a legal source?

To browse and view a particular section of any legal source that contains a table of contents (TOC):

  1. Open the search form that contains the source you want to view.
  2. Select the source from the Sources drop-down list.
  3. Click on the Browse tab.
  4. Browse the source's table of contents as though you were browsing a book. Click on the Plus sign icon next to a section to view the sections beneath it.
  5. Select the checkbox next to the sections of the source that you are interested in.
    Tip: If you select a section that contains subsections, all subsections are selected automatically.
  6. Choose what you want to do next.
    If you want to do this...Click on this icon.
    View the sections you selectedView Tagged Documents Icon
    Print, Download, or E-mail the sections you selectedPrint Icon, Download Icon, or E-mail Icon

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