How do I browse sections of a publication?

Note: This feature is only available for documents in legal sources.

To view a specific section of a publication, perform these steps.

Results PageSteps
New Results
  1. Submit your search request.
  2. Select a document from within your results.
  3. Click on the Normal view icon (Normal view)
  4. Click on the vertically labeled Table of Contents tab at the left margin.
  5. Select the items on the left you wish to see.
Classic Results
  1. Submit your search request.
  2. Select a document from within your results.
  3. If the Publication Tree (on the left side of the Results page) is closed, select a view (TOC or Index) to open it.
  4. Click on any active link in the Publication Tree. The full text of the section you selected appears in the results page to the right, replacing the document you were viewing.
  5. To return to your original, unfiltered results, click on the View All Results link in the Results page.

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