Specify date | You may narrow your search to documents published on a specific day or within the date range you specify. You have several options: - All available dates
- To remove all date restrictions from your search, select All available dates from the drop-down list.
- Today
- To restrict your search to only results from the current day, select this option.
- Date is...
- To search a specific day, select the date on which you wish to search.
- Date is before...
- To search all documents published on or before a specific date, select the Date is before... option from the drop-down list and select the date.
- Date is after...
- To search all documents published on or after a specific date, select Date
is after... in the drop-down list and select the date.
- Date is between...
- To specify a date range, select the date from which you wish to search in the first field and the date to which you wish to search in the second field.
- Select a predefined date restriction
- Previous week, Previous month, Previous 3 months, Previous 6 months, Previous year, Previous 2 years, Previous 5 years, Previous 10 years, Previous 20 years.
- Previous...
- To specify all documents published in the previous n days, weeks, months or years,
select Previous and select the value and the units of time (days,
weeks, months, or years) across which you wish to search.
- Custom
- To base your search on a custom date range, select Custom and specify the
start month, day, and end month.