How do I edit favourite or recent sources?

  1. Click on the Edit this Source List option in any source drop-down list.
  2. Do one of the following:
    Add or remove a source from your favourites listClick an empty star (Click to retain as a Favourite Source) next to a source to to retain it as a favorite; click a filled star (Click to remove from Favourite Sources) next to a source to allow it to be replaced in this list by more recently used sources.
    Completely remove a source from the sources drop-down listClick on the Delete button. (To delete a favorite source, you must first click the star to unmark it.)
    Edit the sources that are combined within a favourite or recent sourceClick on the Edit/Rename link.
    Rename a sourceClick on the Edit/Rename link.
  3. Click on the Done button to save your changes.

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