Download Documents Page

SourceDisplays the name of the source that you have used for your search.
TermsDisplays the search terms that you have used for your search.
Narrowed TermsReview the search terms you have used for your narrowed search (if any).
FormatSelect the format in which you would like to download your documents. (The last format chosen is the default on subsequent requests.)
Document ViewFrom the drop-down list, select the view in which you would like the documents to be delivered:
Choose this option to see a list of your results and basic information about them.
Expanded List
Choose this option to see the same information as in List View, as well as each of your search terms in context within a portion of the document.
List with Catchwords
Choose this option to view catchwords in addition to the List details. (This option only applies to results that include cases.)
Full Text
View the full text of each document.
Full Text with Indexing
View the full text of each document with Index Terms displayed
Hits in Context
Choose this option to view each document individually with your search terms highlighted and surrounded by a window of 25 words. This option is not available for all sources.
Document RangeSelect the range of documents that you want to deliver:
Current Document
This option is available only if you were viewing a single document.
All Documents
Prints all documents in your search results.
Tagged Documents
If you have tagged documents in your results, the number of tagged documents is displayed next to this option.
Selected Items
Type the document numbers of the specific documents you would like to deliver. You may type single document numbers (separated by commas) or a range (for example, 1,3-5,9).
All Items in Folder
Select this to deliver all the documents in your delivery folder.
Remove documents after delivery
If you want the documents in your folder to remain there after delivery (for up to 24 hours after the time of your search), clear this selection.
Selected Items in TOC
If you selected items while browsing sources, the number of documents you have selected is displayed.
Page OptionsSpecify the page options to be used with your delivered documents:
Cover Page
Select this option to include a cover page with your document set. The cover page includes information such as the time of request, search terms and source.
Note: You must select the Cover Page option to include Project ID information with your delivered documents.
End Page
Select this option to include an end page with your document set. The end page includes information such as the time of request.
Each Document on a New Page
Select this option to begin each new document in your results on a new page. Otherwise, each new document begins on the same page that the previous document ends.
Hide Annotations
If a document is annotated, select this option to suppress the annotations and/or footnotes in the delivered version of the document.
Font OptionsCustomise the fonts in your delivered documents. The Times New Roman font is best for cases, law review articles, statutory materials and any long documents that are typically read in printed form. Courier is best for tables, financial reports and other types of content that don't display well with varying font widths.
Font SizeUse the options to select the desired font size for your delivery.
PreviewThis area shows you how your font will look in your delivered documents.
DownloadTo begin downloading your documents, click on the Download button.
CancelTo return to your search results without delivering your documents, click on the Cancel button.

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