Value | Description |
Make this My Start Page | Click on this link to start subsequent sessions from this page. |
Search terms | Enter your search terms, using connectors to show the relationship between the terms. - Search tips
- Click on this link to view descriptions and examples of the connectors, such as AND, OR, AND NOT, etc., which you may use in constructing your search.
Search | To begin the search, click on the Search button. |
Search within results - Terms | (Appears only when editing a search.) If you have previously entered any
"Search within results" terms in results, those terms will
appear in the text box. You may edit the terms if desired. |
Sources | Select a source in which to search from the drop-down list. This drop-down list also contains your recent sources, as well as the sources that you have identified as Favourite Sources. Source Information Icon- To learn more about the contents of a source, click on the "i" icon to the left of the More sources link. The document that appears generally explains such things as: coverage, frequency, update schedule, content summary, publisher and available document sections.
Show options to search specific document sections | Click on this link to choose from options related to specific document sections. |
Hide options to search specific document sections | Click on this link to hide the specific document sections options. |
Connector | Choose either the And or Or connector. |
Search within | Select one of the document sections from the drop-down list. Document sections are specific, predefined sections of a document in which you may target your search. For example, you may search for specific words only within the CASE-NAME section or a specific name only within the JUDGES section. You may construct a search entirely out of document sections or combine a document section search with your other search terms. For more information, see How do I search within a document section?. |
Using Terms | Enter the terms you want to search for. |
Add to Search | Click on this button to add the terms in the Using Terms box to the Search terms box. |
Case name | Enter text to search for within the case name. |
References to legislation | Enter terms to search within references to legislation. |
Citation | Enter the case citation. You may ignore brackets and other punctuation. Click on Citation Help for examples on how to enter a case citation. |
Judgment date | You may narrow your search to documents published on a specific day or within the date range you specify. You have several options: - All available dates
- To remove all date restrictions from your search, select All available dates from the drop-down list.
- Today
- To restrict your search to only results from the current day, select this option.
- Date is...
- To search a specific day, select the date on which you wish to search.
- Date is before...
- To search all documents published on or before a specific date, select the Date is before... option from the drop-down list and select the date.
- Date is after...
- To search all documents published on or after a specific date, select Date is after... in the drop-down list and select the date.
- Date is between...
- To specify a date range, select the date from which you wish to search in the first field and the date to which you wish to search in the second field.
- Select a predefined date restriction
- Previous week, Previous month, Previous 3 months, Previous 6 months, Previous year, Previous 2 years, Previous 5 years, Previous 10 years, Previous 20 years.
- Previous...
- To specify all documents published in the previous n days, weeks, months or years, select Previous and select the value and the units of time (days, weeks, months or years) across which you wish to search.
Jurisdiction | Select one or more jurisdictions. Example: Uttar Pradesh |
Summary | Enter the appropriate terms. |
Court | Select a jurisdiction from the list above. |
Back to top | Click on this link to return to the top of this search form. |
Save this search | After entering your search terms, click on this link to save the search
for reuse in the future or to set up the search as a scheduled search. |
Clear form | Click on this link to clear all of your entries from the search form and
start again with the default settings. |