After you run a search that produces multiple results, Lexis Advance Pacific displays a results page consisting of two panes. The left pane lists
the content types you searched and contains filters that enable you to narrow your results. The right pane initially lists either a snapshot of all results or
the results for one of the content types you searched.
In snapshot view, you can select a specific content type from the Jump to drop-down list to go directly to the snapshot view for that
content type. To view all results for a given content type, select the name of the content type in the left pane or, in snapshot view, select the
View all link below the list of results for that content type. By default, no more than 25 results are listed per page. You can use the
Settings option to increase that limit to 50 or to reduce it to 10.
Within a results list, a document title may identify multiple documents (e.g., a CaseBase document and/or documents associated with one or more
case reporters). When a title identifies multiple documents, a list of the parallel citations appears immediately below the title. Citations for reports that are accessible
within Lexis Advance Pacific appear as hyperlinks, and you can select these hyperlinks to display the associated reports. (You can select the CaseBase
signal to display the CaseBase document.)
If a document falls outside your subscription plan, either a Access Now ($) link appears below the title or an Additional Charges Will Apply icon
() appears below the title to the left of each of the parallel citation hyperlinks.
If you select the Access Now ($) link, you will be accepting the listed charges, and the document will appear. If you select a parallel citation preceded
by an Additional Charges Will Apply icon (), the Additional Charges Will Apply
page appears, where you either accept the charges and access the document or cancel the transaction. For more information on accessing documents outside
your subscription plan, see Accessing documents outside your subscription plan.