How do I narrow or filter my results after a search?
After you run a search that produces multiple results, Lexis Advance Pacific displays a results page consisting of two panes. The left pane
lists the content types you searched and contains filters that enable you to narrow your results. The right pane initially lists either a snapshot of all
results or the results for one of the content types you searched.
To view all results for a given content type, select the name of the content type in the left pane or, in snapshot view, select the View all
link below the list of results for that type. After you display the results for a specific content type, the Narrow By heading appears in the left
pane, followed by any jurisdiction, legal topic, or publication filters you applied to the search. Below that, a list of headings appears, and you can select them in
order to filter your results further. These headings can vary, however, depending on the content type you are viewing