Lexis Practice Advisor® Results List Page
Lexis Practice Advisor® may present your results in the following ways:
Select a search term from a document in your results list to open the document at the location of that search term in the document.
The search precedent is displayed at the top of your results so you can modify the terms, content, or topics you want to search, and run the search again.
These options allow you to navigate through and narrow the results of your search:
Value | Description |
Left Pane | The box on the left side of the page lists all the available content types. Select one of these values to see a list of all the search results for the selected content type. |
Show more | Displays a list of additional content types (appears only if there are too many content types to display at once). |
Show less | Collapses the Show more content type list. |
Actions | A drop-down list of actions you can take with the current item.
Sort by | This list allows you to sort your list of results in a different order. You can select from relevance, document title (A to Z or Z to A). If your search has resulted in a large result set, you can narrow your list to the documents most relevant to your search by using any of the filters in the Narrow By pane on the left side of the page.
To select several criteria in a category, select Select multiple.
To return to a previous results set after filtering one or more times, select the Remove icon () next to your selections at the top of the Narrow By pane to remove the selected filter. When you have removed all the filters, the right side of the results view will contain your original result set. You can also return to your original result set by selecting Clear. |
Select to add all selected documents to a work folder. | |
Select to generate all selected documents as a PDF file you can save or print to an attached printer. | |
Select to download all selected documents to your computer. | |
Select to send an email with the selected documents as attachments. | |
Select to send all selected documents to Dropbox. | |
To get a document outside of your subscription, select this icon. | |
Select to display a text-only version of the document, without any graphics, navigation bars, or options on the page. | |
Select to save your search to run automatically on a schedule you specify.
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Document Title | To view a full document, select a document title. |
Jurisdiction | Indicates the jurisdiction in which an item applies. |
Court | Identifies the court in which a listed item was established. |
Date | Identifies the date on which a listed item was established. |
1 2 3 4 5 ... | Indicates which page in your results set you are viewing. Select a different page number to display that page, or use the right or left arrows to scroll through your results set. |