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About Lexis Practice Advisor®

Accessing documents outside your subscription plan

Add to Folder dialogue box

Additional Charges Will Apply page

Alert Results page

Alerts List page

and Connector

and not Connector

Annotate Text dialogue box

Ask Our Authors Form

atleast Command



Canadian Citation Formatting

Choose a Client ID page

Company Analytics Tips for LexisNexis® Context

Company Documents Tips for LexisNexis® Context

Company Overview Tips for LexisNexis® Context

Company People Tips for LexisNexis® Context

Compare Search Results Alert / Find Similar Documents Alert dialogue box

Contact Us

Copy Citation to Clipboard dialogue box

Copy Selected Text to Clipboard dialogue box

Court Analytics Tips for LexisNexis® Context

Court Documents Tips for LexisNexis® Context

Court Overview Tips for LexisNexis® Context

Customer Care Contact Information



Delivering a Range of Results from a Results List

Delivering Documents (Print, Email, Download, Dropbox)

Download dialogue box



Edit Client ID page

Edit Highlight Range

Email dialogue box

Expert Analytics Tips for LexisNexis® Context

Expert Witness Document Tips for LexisNexis® Context

Expert Witness Overview Tips for LexisNexis® Context



Favourites pod

Folder List page

Full Document page



Help System: Keyword and Wildcard Searching

Help System: Phrase and Connector Searching

History List page

How do I add notes to a precedent?

How do I add notes to documents within folders?

How do I annotate selected document text?

How do I assign a Client ID to my research?

How do I change or delete document annotations?

How do I change, hide, or delete document text highlighting?

How do I compare the results of different searches?

How do I copy and paste a document citation?

How do I copy and paste selected document text?

How do I create a new folder?

How do I create a report with LexisNexis® Context?

How do I create an alert in Lexis Practice Advisor®?

How do I create an alert?

How do I create effective searches?

How do I create searches using selected document text as search terms?

How do I delete an alert?

How do I delete notes from documents within folders?

How do I download folders I have created?

How do I download, print, email, and send to Dropbox the document attachments associated with my results?

How do I download, print, email, and send to Dropbox the document attachments associated with my results?

How do I edit an alert?

How do I edit notes in documents within folders?

How do I email my results or documents?

How do I expand or collapse tables of contents?

How do I find a specific alert?

How do I find a specific folder or document within a folder?

How do I find a specific history item within the history list?

How do I find documents similar to specific documents I have selected?

How do I find specific headings and document sections within a table of contents?

How do I highlight selected document text?

How do I limit my search to specific jurisdictions or content types?

How do I limit my search to specific legal topics?

How do I limit my search to specific sources?

How do I mark or remove a filter as a favourite?

How do I narrow or filter my results after a search?

How do I open a precedent?

How do I pause an alert?

How do I print my results or documents?

How do I remove a filter from the Recent & Favourites list?

How do I rerun a search?

How do I restart an alert?

How do I restrict my search to a specific date or date range?

How do I save a results list or selected documents to a folder?

How do I save my research?

How do I save selected document text to a folder?

How do I search for a company with LexisNexis® Context?

How do I search for a court by name with LexisNexis® Context?

How do I search for a judge by name with LexisNexis® Context?

How do I search for an expert witness by name with LexisNexis® Context?

How do I search for an expert witness within a specific area of expertise using LexisNexis® Context?

How do I search specific segments?

How do I search within results by counsel name?

How do I send my results or documents to Dropbox?

How do I sort the list of cases in the Cite List?

How do I submit a question to the Lexis Practice Advisor® authors?

How do I submit feedback about Lexis Practice Advisor to Lexis Practice Advisor®?

How do I use the Advanced Search Form?

How do I use the Browse Sources option?

How do I use the Browse Topics option?

How do I use the graphical view of my results?

How do I use the Recycle Bin?

How do I use the search feature in Lexis Practice Advisor®?

How do I use the Search Within Results feature?

How do I view my research history in a graphical format?

How do I view the results of an alert?

How do I view the search terms in my results graphically?

How does OneCase work in the Graphical View?

How multiple search connectors are evaluated



Judge Analytics Tips for LexisNexis® Context

Judge Documents Tips for LexisNexis® Context

Judge Overview Tips for LexisNexis® Context



Lexis Advance® Quicklaw® Price Schedule

Lexis Advance® Quicklaw® Tip Sheets

Lexis Practice Advisor® Results List Page

LexisNexis® Practice Advisor Drafting Notes

Lexis® Practice Advisor Task Tree

Link to This Page dialogue box



Market Tracker

My Folders page



near/n Connector


Notifications List page



onear/n Connector

or Connector



pre/n Connector

Precedents, about

Print dialogue box

Product Tutorials

Publication Alert (create) dialogue box

Publication Alert (edit) dialogue box



QuickCITE® Case Treatment Annotations

QuickCITE® Citator Alert (create) dialogue box

QuickCITE® Citator Alert (edit) dialogue box

QuickCITE® Judicial Outcome Annotations

QuickCITE® Signals



Recent & Favourites list

Recently Browsed Documents Pane

Research Map page

Restore Deleted Items dialogue box

Results List page

Reviewing Full Documents

Reviewing Search Results



Save History Map to Folder Page

Search Alert (create) dialogue box

Search Alert (edit) dialogue box

Search Selected Text dialogue box

Searching for Information and Analytics on Expert Witnesses, Judges, Courts and Companies

Searching the Online Help

Searching with Lexis Advance Quicklaw

Send to Dropbox dialogue box

Set/Add Client ID page

Settings page

Share With Others dialogue box



Terms & Connectors Complete Reference

Terms & Connectors Quick Reference

Topic Alert (create) dialogue box

Topic Alert (edit) dialogue box

Training Resource Tip Sheets

Tutorial: History & Research Map



Understanding OneCase

Understanding QuickCITE® records

Understanding terms & connectors searches

Understanding terms & connectors searches

Update Sharing Information dialogue box

Updates in... Pane

Using * and ! to find variations at the end of root words

Using ? to find variations within words

Using advance search

Using Connectors and Commands to Search

Using Quotation Marks to Find Exact Matches

Using the Assisted Search Tab

Using the History Option

Using the QuickCITE® Citator

Using the Research Map



View Sharing Information dialogue box

View, Edit, Delete Annotation Page



w/n Connector

w/seg Connector

What are Lexis Practice Advisor® precedents?

What are alerts in LexisNexis® Practice Advisor?

What are favourites?

What are Folders?

What are Group Duplicates options?

What are Notifications?

What are recent & favourites?

What are the About and Notes tabs?

What are the Lexis Advance® Quicklaw® search capabilities?

What are ZIP files?

What is LexisNexis® Context?

What is Lexis Practice Advisor®?

What is a Lexis Advance® Quicklaw® Member ID?

What is a full document page?

What is a legal topic?

What is a results list?

What is an alert?

What is document delivery?

What is downloading?

What is multi-jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional content?

What is natural language vs. terms & connectors searching?

What is sending to Dropbox?

What is starting a new browser session?

What is Table of Contents browsing?

What is the "start in" content type?

What is the Advanced Search Form?

What is the Browse Sources option?

What is the Browse Topics option?

What is the compare search results option?

What is the find similar documents option?

What is the graphical view?

What is the history option?

What is the printer-friendly option?

What is the QuickCITE® Citator?

What is the Research Map?

What's are "expanded" vs. "fewer" results?

Why am I seeing the message "duplicates have been consolidated" at the top of my results?

Working with Alerts

Working with Folders

Working with the Browse Options

Working with Topics
