What is the history option?

The History option automatically retains records of your research activities for up to 90 days. These activities include the searches you perform; the documents you view, print, download, and email; the items you save to folders; and so on. You can display your research history as a list (described here) or in a graphical format called a research map, which enables you to compare different searches to find common and/or similar results. For more information, see What is the Research Map?

Note: If you need to keep research information for longer than 90 days, you can use the Folders option to create folders in which you can store searches, individual documents, and selected document text indefinitely. For more information, see What are Folders?

Accessing and viewing the history list

You can view a list of your last 5 searches and a list of the last 5 documents you have opened in the History pod on the home page or by selecting the History button at the top of any page. You can view the entire history list by selecting View all history at the bottom of the History pod or by selecting the History button and by selecting View all history at the bottom of the list that appears.

Sorting the history list

When a history list first appears, the activities are listed in descending order by the date and time you performed them. To sort the list differently, select options in the Sort by drop-down.

Filtering the history list

You can use options under the Narrow By heading to filter the list. For example, you can enter search terms in the Search Within History box to narrow your history list to only activities containing those terms. You can also filter the list by date, activity type, and/or client ID by selecting the links under those headings. You can clear any filters you apply.

Displaying a printer-friendly view of the history list

You can use the Printer-friendly icon (Printer-friendly Page) to view the history list in a separate window or tab, where the contents are formatted to fit properly within the margins of standard printed pages, without any accompanying browser toolbars or navigation buttons. After displaying the window or tab, you can then print its contents.

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