Full Document page

A full document page displays the entire contents of a single document. If your search retrieves a single document only, or if you open a document from a results, history, or folders list, the full text of the document appears.

Note: When multiple documents (e.g., a CaseBase document and/or documents associated with one or more case reporters) describing the same case decision are available, a list of the parallel citations appears immediately below the title. Citations for reports that are accessible within Lexis Advance Pacific appear as hyperlinks, and you can select these hyperlinks to display the associated reports.
Create Alert

Appears at the end of the document title only when you can create an alert to monitor changes that may occur in the document, for example, changes in the content of a CaseBase document. For more information, see What is an alert? and How do I create an alert?

Edit Document Properties

Appears at the end of the document title only when the document is opened from a folder. Select this to edit the document name and/or the matter ID assigned to the document.


Select this to display the following list of actions you can take related to the document itself.

Link to this page
Select to open a dialogue box that enables you to generate a permanent hyperlink to the current page you are viewing. For more information, see Link to This Page dialogue box.
Enter and Exit Document Reading Mode

Select to enter or exit reading mode. In reading mode, the document appears on the screen without navigation, actions icons, and links or other information in the right or left margins. Features such as hyperlinks or filters contained in the document itself remain, however, and document highlighting and the other options contained on the selected text menu also remain operable. You can also use the Increase/Decrease Font Size icons (Increase/decrease font size) to increase or decrease the size of the document text in reading mode.

Add Note / View all notes

Appears only when the document is opened from a folder. Select Add Note to add a note that will appear below the document title in the folder list and at the top of the document after it is opened from a folder. If the document already contains one or more notes, select View all notes to view all notes in their entirety.

Add to folder

Appears only if the document has not already been added to a folder. Select this to add the document to a folder.

Delivery Options Buttons

Select the delivery options button to print (Print), email (Email), or download (Download) the selected items or to send them to Dropbox (Send to Dropbox).

The delivery options button contains both an icon and a drop-down arrow. The icon that appears may vary, depending on the type of delivery you last performed. If the icon identifies the action you want to take, and you do not want to change the existing delivery settings, select the icon to perform the desired action. If you want to perform a different type of delivery, and/or if you want to view or change the delivery settings, select the drop-down arrow and choose the option you want from the menu that appears. Also select the drop-down arrow if you want to select the printer-friendly option. For more information, see What is document delivery?

Important: The printer-friendly option shows only the currently displayed page of the list. If you want to print a list that is longer than one page (when displayed on the computer), you will need to display each page you want to print and select the printer-friendlly on each of those pages.

Appears only when the document is opened from a folder. Select this to move the document to another folder.

Delete from Folder

Appears only when the document is opened from a folder. Select this to delete the document from the folder.

Share with Others

Appears only when the document is opened from a folder. Select this to share the document with one or more other authorised users.

Copy to Folder

Appears only when the document is opened from a folder. Select this to copy the document to another folder.

Go To Document Section/Location

Select the down arrow to display options that enable you to skip directly to various sections or locations within the document.

Go to Next/Previous Document Page

Appears only when the document contains multiple pages. Select the up arrow to go to the previous page; select the down arrow to go to the next. When you open the document, the range of pages you can go to are listed in the box. To skip to a specific page, enter that page number in the box and select either arrow. After you are on that page, select the up or down arrows again to go to the previous or next pages.

Navigate Document Terms ControllerSelector

Use this control to navigate in the document to the next or previous occurrence of the search term shown to the left of the up and down arrows. You can use the control whether terms highlighting is set on or off (see below). Select the up arrow to move to the previous occurrence of the search term; select the down arrow to move to the next occurrence. After you navigate to a search term, it is highlighted in light blue. If your search expression contains multiple terms, you can select the down arrow at the right edge of the Navigate all terms box to select which term or collection of terms you want to locate.

Search Document

Select this to search the document for other terms not necessarily included in your original search. A search box appears with up and down arrows to its right. Enter the terms you want to find in the document and select the up or down arrows to go to the previous or next occurrences of the search terms. Note that the search box also supports terms & connectors searches. Select the "X" to the right of search box at any time to terminate the search.

Highlight On/Off Selector

Select the white slider in this control to turn the highlighting of search terms in the document on or off. When the slider is to the right (green background appears on left) terms highlighting is on, and each of the terms in the document are highlighted in yellow. When the slider is to the left (green background appears on right), terms highlighting is off. You can navigate to the individual search terms in the document (see above) regardless of whether terms highlighting is on or off.

Previous Document/Results List/Next Document

Appears only when the document is opened from a results list. Select Results list to return to the results list. Select the left arrow to go to the previous document in the list. Select the right arrow to go to the next document in the list.

CaseBase SignalAppears only in some case-related documents. Indicates the value of the case as a precedent.
Document TitleThe title of the document.
Copy CitationAppears only in some case-related documents. Select this to copy the document citation to your computer's clipboard so you can paste it into another document using a word processor or text editor. For more information, see How do I copy and paste a document citation?
Hide Signals / Show SignalsAppears only in CaseBase documents. Select to toggle the display of CaseBase signals in the document on or off.
(Selected Text Options)

After you select a portion of document text, a selected text menu appears with options that enable you to take the following actions:

Copy (Quick)
Select this to copy the selected text to your computer's clipboard so you can paste it into another document using a word processor or text editor. This option does not open the Copy Selected Text to Clipboard dialogue box (see next).
Copy (Advanced)
Select this to copy the selected text to your computer's clipboard so you can paste it into another document using a word processor or text editor. This option opens the Copy Selected Text to Clipboard dialogue box which also enables you to include and format the document citation and to include parallel citations. For more information, see How do I copy and paste selected document text?
Add to folder
Select this to save the selected text to a folder. For more information, see How do I save selected document text to a folder?
Add to search
Select this to use the selected text as search terms in a new search. For more information, see How do I create searches using selected document text as search terms?
Select this to annotate the selected text and to highlight it so it appears as if you have marked it with a translucent marker. For more information, see How do I annotate selected document text?
Select this to highlight the selected text so it appears as if you have marked it with a translucent marker. For more information, see How do I highlight selected document text?

Indicates the location of an annotation. See "Selected Text Options" immediately above.

Highlighted text

Indicates the location of highlighting. See "Selected Text Options" immediately above.

About This Document

This section of the page contains information about the document. The information varies, based on then type of document, and the section often contains links that enable you to view additional information or take additional actions appropriate to the document.

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