Expert Analytics Tips for LexisNexis® Context

When applicable, the Analytics page provides details regarding Federal Challenges this expert has faced in Federal District Courts where judges have made rulings.

Page HeadingListed at the top of the page is the expert's name, educational milestones, and areas of expertise.
OverviewSelect this to access the expert's Overview page.
DocumentsSelect this to access the expert's Documents page.
Link to this pageSelect this to copy the link to this analytics page.
Create ReportSelect this to generate and deliver (download, email, print) a report of your search results.
Federal ChallengesIf needed, select this to refresh the list of challenges.
Overall Challenges Outcome AnalysisIdentifies the number of challenges the expert has faced. Percentages are provided for each:
  • Admitted
  • Admitted in Part
  • Excluded

Overall challenges

Challenges by TypeIdentifies the challenges the expert has faced by type and the outcome for each.

Challenges by type

All Challenge DecisionsDisplayed to the right are descriptions of the challenges the expert has faced and the decisions for each. For complete details, select the link provided for the item you wish to review.
1234 ...Each document available in you search is numbered and assigned to a link. To view the desired document, select the related link.
<1234>Use these values to access and scroll through each page of the available documents.
Up arrowSelect this to return to the top of the page.

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