Value | Description |
Page Heading | Listed at the top of the profile is the company’s name, city, and state. |
Overview | Select this to access the company's Overview page. |
Analytics | Select this to access the company's Analytics page. |
People | Select this to access the company's People page. |
Create Report | Select this to generate and deliver (download, email, print) a report of your search
results. |
Filters | To fine-tune your search for documents, you may select options from all available filters,
starting with the Content Type drop-down list (default = Cases). Thereafter, you may select additional
options from as many other filters you wish to use. For tracking purposes, the options display on the screen.
For example: To delete an option, select the related X. To delete all options, select
Clear All. |
Sort By | Use this drop-down list to sort search results by document title, court, or date.
| Select this icon to view full descriptions of the search results. |
| Select this icon to view only titles of the search results. |
1234 ... | Each document available in your search is numbered and assigned to a link. To view the desired document, select the related link. |
<1234> | Use these values to access and scroll through each page of the available documents. |
| Select this to return to the top of the page. |