Value | Description |
Report type | Select one of the following options: - Combine all inputs into single IDS form - Generates one IDS report with combined forms.
- Create separate IDS forms for each input - Generates individual IDS reports.
Select input | From this section, select the entries you wish to review and choose the citations to include in the IDS.
View patents | When this button is active, you may use it to launch TotalPatent One®. From there you can retrieve up to 250
patent citations from IDS form sections US Patents and Foreign Patents. |
US Patents | Select the checkboxes for each U.S.patent you wish to include. - Show all detected numbers
- Select this checkbox to treat any six- or seven-digit numbers found in your document as a patent
citation. This includes numbers not preceded by country code or cite designation (e.g., “U.S. Pat No.”).
- Show unverified
- By default, unverified citations will display in the report.
You can select this checkbox as needed to show/hide the items.
Foreign Patents | Select the checkboxes for each Foreign patent you want to include. - Show first kind only
- Select this checkbox to retrieve the first detected citation that has a matching patent number.
- Show unverified
- Select this checkbox to include any unverified numbers found in your document as U.S.
patent citations. By default, the citations are included in the report.
Non-Patent Literature | If desired, select this drop-down list to select references to any related
non-patent documents.
- Show embedded patent references
- Select this to include embedded patent references in the report.