Value | Description |
Edit | Click to edit this section's information, then click Save when you're finished making changes. |
Email | Primary email address, which you check frequently. |
Alternate Email | Your alternate email address, in case your primary email address fails for some reason. |
Work Phone | Your business phone number. |
Extension | An extension number for your work phone, if needed. |
Mobile | Your cellular phone number. |
Fax | A business fax number. |
Preferred Contact Method | Displays how you'd like to be contacted. If you are editing the details, you can choose Email, Mobile Phone, Work Phone from the drop-down list. |
Language Preference | Displays the language you'd like to use, such as:
- Australian English
- British English
- Canadian English
- New Zealand English
- U.S. English
Display Preference | Displays the mode you'd like your application interface to be in. The values are the same as those for Language Preference. |
Time Zone | Displays the selected time zone. |