Restrict a Search Using Filters
You can restrict your search to a specific content type, case code, news type, practice area/topic, or date range so you have fewer results. When you get your results, you can narrow them further using the filters on your results page. Use one of these methods to restrict your search.
To do this:
- Enter your search terms.
- Choose from the following options:
To Do This Narrow based on content category - Select Content Collection.
- Select one or more checkboxes for the categories you want to restrict your search to. For example, to restrict your results to cases, statutes, and secondary materials, select the checkboxes for Cases, Statutes & Legislation, and Secondary Materials.
Narrow by cases and codes - Select Cases and Codes.
- Select one or more checkboxes for the jurisdictions you want to restrict your search to. For instance, to restrict your results to a Federal jurisdiction and the Ohio jurisdiction, select the checkboxes for the Federal jurisdiction you want and for Ohio. The selections you make from the filters are displayed next to Narrow By as you select them. To remove a filter, select the X next to it.
- To include non-jurisdictional sources in your search, select Include non-jurisdictional content.
- To include Federal sources in your search that are related to any jurisdictions you selected, select Include related Federal content.
Narrow by news source - Select News.
- Select one or more checkboxes for the news content types you want to restrict your search to. For example, to restrict your results to editorials, select the checkbox for Editorials & Opinions
Narrow by practice area or topic - Select Practice Areas & Topics.
- Select the practice area or topic you are most interested in (i.e., Administrative Law, Family Law, etc.).
Narrow by date range - Select Date Range.
- Enter the date or date range in which you want to search. See Restrict Search by Date (Basic Search Form) for details.
Reuse a recent or favorite filter - Select Recent & Favorites.
- Choose the recent or favorite filter you've used previously.
- Select more filters and make your selections, if you want to restrict your search further.
Caution: If you use a filter from your Recent & Favorites for a search, any other filter selections you've selected in the previous steps will be replaced.
- Select the search button (
Each selection you make is added to the Narrow By list above the full list of filters.
The filters you use are added to the Recent & Favorites list. To mark the filter as a favorite, view the Recent & Favorites list and select the star () next to the filter. To remove the filter from your favorites, select the