Search Using the Advanced Search Form

With the Nexis Uni® Advanced Search form, you can use the available form tools to focus your search to find specific results. The form includes wizard-like tools to help you more easily create a search query string (or you can type a query string directly in search box.) A date filter helps you refine your search to a specific date range, and if you want to search in a specific source, you can search for that source directly on the form.

To complete a search using the Advanced Search form, watch this video, or complete the steps outlined below:

To use the Advanced Search form:

  1. While viewing the Nexis Uni Home page, click the Advanced Search link. The page changes to show your advanced search options.
  2. Choose the content type in which you want to search: All, News, Company and Financial, or Legal.
  3. Then, if available, choose the sub-content type from the list of options that appear.
  4. Enter your search term or phrase in the search box.

Note: You can use Term Connectors to define multiple terms on which you want to search, and Proximity Connectors to define relationships between these terms. For example, if you want to find the words "gender" and "wage" within 2 words of "gap", you can use the w/n connector: gender AND wage w/2 gap .

Use other options on the form as described below:

To search in a specific document segment Next to the search box where you've entered your search term or phrase, click the All Fields drop-down list and choose the segment in which you want your term to appear. See List of Searchable Fields (Segments).
To add other search terms or phrases to your search query On the next row of the search form, click the drop-down list to the left of the search box and choose your connector. See Search Term Connectors.

When you enter a second term or phrase, a third row is added, and so on, allowing you to enter as many search terms/phrases as you need.

To define a specific date range during which you want to search Use the options under Date Range. See Restrict Search By Date (Advanced Search Form) for details.

Note: You can also define the search date range directly in the search field. See Restrict a Search to a Specific Date or Date Range for a list of rules, operators, and examples to follow while using this method.

To further refine your search Choose other content-related pre-search filters that appear based on your content and sub-content types. For example, if you're searching News, you can define the word length for news articles in your results.
To choose which sources you want to search in In the Source box, enter all or part of the source name. Any sources that match what you enter will appear in the list for you to select.
To get help understanding which connectors are available as well as which search segment fields Use the links under Definitions & Help.

Once your search query is formed, click the Search button. Your search query is submitted and any results found appear in your Search Results.